Presales Leaders

Giving you and your team the training and guidance to become SIX HABITS CERTIFIED

Imagine you had a team of Presales professionals who...


  • Sought after by Sales; Revered by Customers
  • Respected by Colleagues; Recognized in the Industry
  • Always prioritized the TEAM over SELF
  • Put the interest of the CUSTOMER FIRST

Had Mastered the Art of DISCOVERY

  • Knew how to get prospects and customers to open up
  • Understood what questions to ask and how to ask them
  • Recognized the common mistakes and how to avoid them
  • Exposed the unfiltered truth and sorted out the noise

PREPARED for meetings with Focus & Intention

  • Led with the customers' objectives not the product
  • Focused on value & outcomes over features & functions
  • Built stories making the customer the hero
  • Maximized return on time - did "more with less"

Made PRACTICE Harder than Game Time

  • Developed the discipline to practice with consistency
  • Did Demo Dry Runs with other team members 
  • Held themselves and others accountable
  • Knew how to give constructive feedback, respectfully

Confidently PERFORMED in the Moment

  • Spoke with confidence, professionalism, and style
  • Kept their audiences engaged - whether online or in-person
  • Navigated difficult situations; handled difficult people
  • Inspired decision makers to take action, closing more deals

Consistently Sought to PERFECT Their Craft

  • Consistently debriefed with sales for feedback
  • Made EVERY sales engagement a learning opportunity
  • Learned to accept and admit their mistakes
  • Looked for ways to make the TEAM better

How much more likely would they be to hit their number?

Ready to Level Up the TEAM?

  • Become viewed as Strategic Partners by Sales
  • Master the Art of Technical Discovery
  • Increase team Efficiency and Effectiveness
  • Build & Deliver Demos that Emphasize Business Outcomes
  • Develop an MVD Mindset (Minimum Viable Demo)
  • Answer Questions with Conviction
  • Achieve the Technical Victory with Predictable Consistency
  • Ensure consistently great results across the team with the 6 Habits Certification Program.
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What about Training for You and Your Managers?

Understand how to excite and inspire a team of top Presales professionals


  • Build a foundation of unwavering Trust
  • Create programs to meet the SE Hierarchy of Needs
  • Retain your top talent
  • Maximize SE ENGAGEMENT

Run Presales Like a Business

  • Understand the best metrics to measure for success
  • Know how to best support the sales team
  • Use data to inspire improved performance 
  • Quickly and easily adjust to meet changing business needs


  • Tap into hidden sources of Talent
  • Increase your team's competitiveness
  • Build a team of A Players
  • Make Diversity your secret weapon



  • Increase the value Presales provides the company
  • Gain capacity to deliver through collaboration
  • Challenge your top performers to deliver more
  • Have a voice in the direction and growth of the business

Fulfill Career Aspirations

  • Forge presales career paths
  • Bring out the best in your team
  • Be a leader in TALENT DEVELOPMENT
  • Connect with leadership across the company

Leadership Training for Teams

We offer leadership training programs for groups of five or more.  These instructor-led programs can be delivered in-person or virtually.  Programs are based on the Six Habits framework and ideal for fast growing organizations with new SE leaders.

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Planning Any Team Events?

Presales Summits & Off-Sites

Planning a Presales Summit or Off-Site for the team?  Looking for a speaker?  We offer 1-hr, 2-hr, half-day & full-day sessions.

SKOs - In-Person & Virtual

Looking for a speaker at next year's kickoff to run a session for the Presales team or speak about the AE-SE Partnership?

Book Clubs & Team Meetings

Team reading The Six Habits of Highly Effective Sales Engineers as a book club?  Might they like to meet with the author?

Contact Us About Availability

Let us know what you're planning and when.