Episode 11: Car Crash of a Demo

Oct 29, 2020

I recently interviewed my friend and colleague Scott Cassidy of ASLAN Training and Development and at the end of our conversation I asked him if he had ever given a demo that went horribly wrong, and if so why?

His answer was spectacular.  He shared a story of what he referred to as a "Car Crash of a Demo".  As it turns out, he was the sales rep in the demo - not the one actually giving the demo.  And yet, he took full responsibility for what went wrong - at least the part that he could have and should have taken ownership of.

I welcome you to give the video a look and stay tuned in after Scott's story to hear my observations about what he shared.  And then I encourage you to share some of your own thoughts and observations in the comments section below.  Would love to hear what you think of Scott's story.

Enjoy!  (Also available on YouTube https://youtu.be/IZmslX6awQI)